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A   2 Serve

Our Story

The driving force behind any successful endeavor is summed up in one word, PASSION.  It is my heart’s passion to encourage, uplift and serve the people of God.  We all are in need of a touch that flows from the heart. Aheart2serve highlights the ministries that are near and dear to my heart. 

Wailing Warriors is my baby, Alabastyr Box is my worship, True Source Coaching Services is my passion to help others fulfill their goals and my book Author page is my passion to write from my heart.  


As you browse through Aheart2serve, I pray that you can connect with these ministries and be blessed, delighted, encouraged and strengthened.

Blessings, Cheryl ~

alabstyr box

The Alabaster Jar that the woman broke and poured on the feet of Jesus (Matthew 26:7)


Who In The World Do You Think You Are –

By: Cheryl Eastman


True Source Christian Coaching Services – What is a coach? A coach is someone who has been... 

Wailing Warriors

Wailing Warriors Women’s Ministries has been mandated to engage in spiritual warfare on the behalf of the people of  God. 



Learn How To Tame The Pain of You Past and Turn It Into Power! This FREE Training Reveals 3 Secrets To Turning Your Pain Into Power!

Come Pray with Us!

Hands Holding Beads

Come Pray with Us!

Prayer Line number:

(605) 472-5618

 Prayer call is every Monday @7:30 p.m.

Learn more about the Wailing Warriors Ministry

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