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Writer's picture: Cheryl EastmanCheryl Eastman

Psalms 91:1-2 (NKJV)

1 He who dwells in the secret place

of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the LORD, "[He is] my refuge and my fortress; My God,

in Him I will trust."

During war time, soldiers would construct dugouts resembling the one on the left as a place of safety and covering from enemy attacks. If these soldiers made the mistake of remaining outside of the shelter, it would have meant injury or even death.

What will keep you safe in the time of war, to remain in the secret place. You must allow God to be the only refuge you run to. Don’t fool yourself, there are man-made refuges we can run to, friendship, relationships, sex, money, our homes, our cars but God is our only sure and safe refuge.

We must stop running out of our shelter and avoiding the safe place, attempting to deal with issues in our own strength because you can be sure that you will run back into the shelter of the most high sooner or later. You may be a little beat up but trouble will insist that you return to the shelter. In the time of war, the safest place is in the dugout, which is a shelter from harm. We’ve got to trust God enough to “stay there”, we’ve got to believe that God cares for use enough to “stay there”.

If you come out of the safe place, your foot will get caught in a snare. Even though others might come out of the secret place, you will not because you know that’s where your deliverance is, that’s where your peace is. Others may be falling all around you but no harm will come near you because you are under the shadow of God’s wing. It is only when you “stay there” that you can do great exploits, it’s only when you “stay there” that you can snatch others from the hand of the enemy. It’s only when you stay in that secret place that you become selfless and not selfish, when we can put the needs of other before our own.

You will possess the authority to tell the enemy to back off when we stay in the dugout. Don’t try to find another remedy for your pain, don’t run to people, places or things for relief. Stay in the secret place, trust-believe-pray-wait, do whatever it takes but stay there.


🔥 Choose To Remain In The Secret Place

🔥 Never Allow Others To Pull You From The Secret Place

🔥 We Gain Power And Authority In The Secret Place


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